Your ‘due-date’ means the date your baby is expected to be born. Your due-date is an estimation, based on…
- the date of conception (aassumed to be the first day of your last menstrual period plus 14 days)
- the assumption that all pregnancies are 38 weeks long (from date of conception, or 40 weeks from date of last menstrual period).
- data from any prenatal ultrasounds you’ve had (baby’s gestational age corresponds to measurements of key parts of his/her body, such as the head and femur).
Only 5% of babies are born on their actual due-date, with a majority of first babies born after their due-date.
Due-date Calculator – A lot of sites will calculate your due-date, but this one is superior because it takes into account the length of your cycle as well as the date of your last menstrual period (thus calculating a more accurate due-date). By the U.S. National Women’s Health Information Center. Also gives a summary of the 3 trimesters of pregnancy.